z cyklu „lewactwa dziwy i cudactwa”
from "leftist weirdos & abnormalities" series:
from "leftist weirdos & abnormalities" series:
„Kosiniak i Kamysz przypominają o co chodzi”
"Kosiniak and Kamysz reminded what it is all about"
"Kosiniak and Kamysz reminded what it is all about"
Leftist politician Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz (shown here as both persons) constantly changes his opinions - which is no different from the entire current Polish "opposition coalition" twists; they were very vocal about accepting African and Arabic migrants into Poland - then they changed their mind and they were against it; they were against raising any taxes and promised it won't ever happen - and when they got in power they raised taxes a lot; they were against raising the retirement age - and when they were in power they did raised the age of retirement; when they were in power they said the treasury has no money for any govt. financial support of lowest income families with children, but when they were kicked out and PiS took power and actually did it - now they say they will do it even more if they were to be elected... and the list of such blatant lies goes on and on, I could have add 1000 examples here, yet it still wouldn't exhaust this subject!
"We often have very different opinions, but we always agree on this:
PiS give back the trough!*"
* The "trough", or the "manger", for most of the Polish society is presently synonymous with the rule of extremely corrupted, previous PO-party governments, when under PO-rule they treated Poland like a trough/manger from which all the corrupted pigs of their PO-party members and PO-supporters have fed themselves from the treasury profusely and with an unparalled and unquenched greed.
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