POLSKI   Ideą tej strony jest zgromadzenie w jednym miejscu ilustracji, jakimi komentowałem bieżące i historyczne wydarzenia na różnych witrynach, blogach, forach i innych dziwnych zakątkach internetu…
Digitale Scriptor (DeS)

 ENGLISH   The idea for this website is to keep track of some of my illustrations, with which I have been commenting past and current events on various sites, blogs, forums and other strange corners of the internet …
Digitale Scriptor (DeS)

czwartek, 10 lipca 2003

Ludobójstwo Polaków przez Ukraińców 1942-1944

z cyklu „jednym słowem obrazkiem”:
from "in a single word picture" series:

„Ludobójstwo Polaków przez Ukraińców 1942-1944”
"Genocide of Poles 1942-1944 by Ukrainians"

Mapa została uaktualniona w 2009 r. o miejsca ludobójstwa poza oficjalnymi granicami Polski.

Originally I made this map for my friends to show them the territorial extent of the - according to official propaganda and media - "isolated" cases of Ukrainians murdering their Polish neighbours. It is proven that more than 160,000 Poles had been viciously murdered by Ukrainians in what is called now "Volhynia Massacre" („Rzeź Wołyńska”). However, keep in mind that so many Polish villages had been wiped out entirely, to the last man, woman, and child - therefore there were no survivors to tell us the number of victims in those villages. Furthermore, after they killed all Polish neighbours, the Ukrainians looted and robbed Polish properties and burned down their homes and entire villages. If not for the pre-war Polish maps, nowadays you literally won't find any traces of those once-flourishing, full of life Polish villages that were there for hundreds of years. Thousands of them have simply vanished in 1943 – because no witnesses have survived to tell anyone that they ever existed, and because Ukrainian beasts have not only burned the villages to the ground, but later have also razed any remnants. That's why it is impossible today to tell exact number of victims. Many historians estimate the number of people killed in "Volhynia Massacre" at least 250,000 (quarter million!) men, women and children. Yet the corrupted politicians, media and other propaganda outlets insist on calling it anything else but genocide.
Look at this map and ask yourself: If THAT is not genocide then what actually is genocide?

Map has been updated in 2009 to include cases of genocide outside the official borders of Poland.

© Digitale Scriptor
2003-07; 2009-07-07
Publikacja lub powielanie w sieci jedynie za zgodą autora. Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone.
Any publishing or copying without Author's written permission prohibited. All Right Reserved.

wtorek, 8 kwietnia 2003


z cyklu „jednym słowem obrazkiem”:
from "in a single word picture" series:

„Najlepszy dowód że Picasso kpił z bogatych głupców”
"Best proof Picasso made fun of rich idiots"

(obrazek uaktualniony w 2018 roku lepszą kopią ilustracji obrazu Picassa z 1937 r.)

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Any publishing or copying without Author's written permission prohibited. All Right Reserved.

niedziela, 16 lutego 2003

Nowoczesny bandytyzm

z cyklu „jednym słowem obrazkiem”:
from "in a single word picture" series:

„Nowoczesny bandytyzm” (scenka w banku)
"Modern Robbery" (in the bank)

Caption: „Just scrap of paper for so much gold?!”

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Any publishing or copying without Author's written permission prohibited. All Right Reserved.

niedziela, 12 stycznia 2003

WOŚP dawniej…

z cyklu „jednym słowem obrazkiem”:

„WOŚP dawniej…”

Poprawki (dopiski) zostały dodane w 2009 roku.

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Any publishing or copying without Author's written permission prohibited. All Right Reserved.