POLSKI   Ideą tej strony jest zgromadzenie w jednym miejscu ilustracji, jakimi komentowałem bieżące i historyczne wydarzenia na różnych witrynach, blogach, forach i innych dziwnych zakątkach internetu…
Digitale Scriptor (DeS)

 ENGLISH   The idea for this website is to keep track of some of my illustrations, with which I have been commenting past and current events on various sites, blogs, forums and other strange corners of the internet …
Digitale Scriptor (DeS)

sobota, 15 grudnia 2018

„miszcz odlotuf”

z cyklu „lewactwa dziwy i cudactwa”
from "leftist weirdos & abnormalities" series:

„miszcz odlotuf”
"the master of being high"

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poniedziałek, 10 grudnia 2018

TERAZ ku#wa my!

z cyklu „jednym słowem obrazkiem”:
from "in a single word picture" series:

„TERAZ ku#wa my!”
"NOW it's us, for f#ck sake!"

Okazuje się, że jednak mamy w Polsce nową partyjkę! Co prawda wszystkie ryje przywódców są jak zwykle całkiem stare i znane od lat, nawet nazwa „Teraz kurwa my!” (z którego wycięli obscenizmy i pozostawili samo „Teraz” i wykrzyknik) także jest starym, odgrzanym hasłem wyborczym PO sprzed dekady, no - ale „nowa” partia jest? Jest!
Satyrycy w Polsce, którzy są zarazem największymi wielbicielami beztalencia krasomówczego niejakiego R. Petru (prowodyra tej starej bandy z nową nazwą) z pewnością odetchnęli już z wielką ulgą :-)

There is a new political party in Poland as of now. They called themselves "NOW it's our time to reap the benefits of power, for f#ck sake!", or in short "NOW!" ("TERAZ" in Polish).
Their name is all well-familiar to Poles, remembering this unofficial call of the previous party that also wanted to (so badly) get the power decade ago...

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sobota, 8 grudnia 2018

Partie polityczne w Polsce w 2019 roku

z cyklu „jednym słowem obrazkiem”:
from "in a single word picture" series:

„Partie polityczne w Polsce w 2019 roku”
"Political scene of Poland for the year 2019"

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sobota, 1 grudnia 2018

Polak-patriota z TVN

z cyklu „jednym słowem obrazkiem”:
from "in a single word picture" series:

„Polak-patriota z TVN”
"Polish Patriot of TVN"

Pictured here is Bertold Kittel, so-called "news reporter" awarded for uncovering nazism in Poland. However, it turned out recently, that him and his crew had actually paid PLN 20.000 (approx. $5000 USD) to some obviously poor morons in need of money - for pretending to be Polish nazis celebrating Hitler's birthday! After airing this supposedly "secretly obtained" coverage of the fake nazis, after it spread in the news all over the world, he then went on to talk even more about this "terrible event" to various television outlets and media for more than a year ... until recently, because the news broke that he had actually staged the whole thing and paid not only for the lame "actors", but also for providing them with all the nazi gear, their trip, and who knows what else...

"... but folks! Although I've paid them for faking nazis, it wasn't my own money*! I am the same Polish patriot as you are!"

*It was paid by TVN, a Polish-language TV station owned by American corporation(s); TVN is the station Bertold Kittel and his news crew work for; TVN is the station he made the "Polish nazis coverage" for; finally, TVN is a media outlet well-known for spreading politically-correct liberal propaganda, as well as for constant shaming and shunning of Poles in their programs... yet most of the people working there (like the scumbag Bertold Kittel himself) usually insist, that they are the true Polish patriots! :-)

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