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 ENGLISH   The idea for this website is to keep track of some of my illustrations, with which I have been commenting past and current events on various sites, blogs, forums and other strange corners of the internet …
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poniedziałek, 16 stycznia 2017

Wspomóż dziecko czerwonej świni

z cyklu „jednym słowem obrazkiem”:
from "in a single word picture" series:

„Wspomóż dziecko czerwonej świni”
"Help commie pig's child!"

An illustration for THIS article.
Short (somewhat) story behind it:
The man has in the picture is a son of a communist high officer pig. During the so-called "transformation" of Poland he had been installed in media and hijacked i.e. Polish "Woodstock" for his own commercial purposes under the agenda of "Wielka Orkiestra Świątecznej Pomocy" (The Grand Orchestra of Christmas Help) which he created to supposedly help children... by using children to beg for donations in cold, winter streets. And he had guts to call those who wanted to be paid for helping him in this proces "demoralised fuckers" while he himself - with help of his wife - had been paying himself and his wife large amounts through companies specially created for this purpose. When one of the bloggers found out about it, this disgusting creature had sued the blogger and even denied access to documents and dissolved one company - but quickly created another one for the same purposes, while corrupted courts have stalled the case (Polish courts still are crawling with same communist bastards, many of the judges are still the same people who were sentencing true Polish patriots to jail during communism). But after the first communist-free Parliament and Government had been finally elected and created in 2015 his backers lost the power to protect him, thus he started losing case after case in courts...
Nevertheless, this communist pig's son - like most of them - had been operating like this for more than a quarter of century, amassing a lot of wealth on the backs of poor children and unsuspecting public, while his commie friends' media had been hailing him as almost Saint-alike figure... [certainly t.b.c.]

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wtorek, 10 stycznia 2017

Demokracji! (dla komuchów)

z cyklu „jednym słowem obrazkiem”:
from "in a single word picture" series:

„Demokracji! (dla komuchów)”
"We want democracy! (for post-communists)"

The person in this image is one of the most disgusting public figures in Poland (some Mateusz Kijowski), who is a leader of self-proclaimed "democracy defenders" (while openly fraternizing with and supporting the officers of former communist oppression services!). He was constantly stating, that he created his "democracy defenders" movement by himself on spur of the moment (and without help from former communist officers, as most true pro-democracy medias have suspected) and he does so for free, without any salary or wages. When documents showing that he (as a leader of the movement) had been paying himself rather large amount of monies for "services" rendered - through a company officially belonging to his wife - he first denied it, then he tried to downplay the facts. It was documented that only in the last half  year he paid himself at least PLN 90,000 (about $30,000) - and this is only the amount that came out into public knowledge from a disgruntled member of the movement (obviously the actual amount must have been much higher).
Just to clarify: he is a leader of the "defenders of democracy" movement, which is against the very first communist-free Parliament and Government elected in Poland, am not joking! It would be funny if it were crappy Hollywood comedy, but unfortunately these are the facts always overlooked by Western media...
Despite the nice earnings from this self-proclaimed "democracy defenders" movement, he is is still in default on paying child support to his first wife, while courts, bailiffs, debt collectors - they all are powerless, because officially he doesn't own anything (everything is property of his second wife).
And such scumbag had been calling for democracy in Poland for past entire year!

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niedziela, 1 stycznia 2017

Już mi nie podskoczą... Szczęśliwego 2017!

z cyklu „jednym słowem obrazkiem”:
from "in a single word picture" series:

„Już mi nie podskoczą”
"They can kiss my ... now!"

Non-literal caption translation (to keep the meaning):
The communist-CODEd pseudo-MODERN antiPOlish parties can kiss my ass now. Happy 2017!
PiS leader Kaczyński, pictured as big buffed guy, in reality is barely 5' 5'' (167cm).
KOD, translated as CODE, is an "opposition movement" created and supported by former communist secret service people;
NOWOCZESNA, translated as MODERN, is a joke opposition political party run by a moron who doesn't know anything and constantly ridicule and discredit himself with almost every speech he make;
PO, formerly ruling party is now in opposition and whining about "broken democracy" because they lost elections;
all three - despite their best efforts, support from abroad and enormous propaganda - have lost more than half of their own supporters during the first year of PiS government (but you wouldn't know it from Western news propaganda outlets)

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